Absolutely adorable and precious sweethearts!
This is an adorable friendship, they’re not thinking about their differences! love all of God’s little creatures
Best the orphaned kitten and the rescue piglet they are adorable together love is grand
Laura, the rescue piglet and his best friend Marina, the orphaned kitten with special needs.
The duo met each other for the first time at the Santuario Igualdad Interespecie, an interspecies equality sanctuary for farm animals in Santiago, Chile.
Marina was [a.ban.doned] on the street by her mother because of being [si.ck] and having [pu.s-fil.led] eyes. Thankfully, a kind person picked her up and took her to the Chilean sanctuary, saving her life.
They are perfect how they are.

She quickly got her energy back. The little kitten even started playing with the caretakers and animals at the sanctuary. At that time, Marina and Laura found each other, and now they become best friends.
They found comfort in each other, and share the most unlikely and beautiful of friendships. They play, cuddle, nap together and give each other a lot of hugs and kisses.
So cute and Adorable.

Even when they’re not cuddling, they stay close together, like best forever friends should. Whenever Laura sleeps in, Marina acts as her bestie alarm clock. And Laura always returns the favor.
Isn’t nature wonderful that is so so adorable two little fur babies loving each other

This darling duo’s friendship shows us that even though two individuals may not look alike and may come from completely different backgrounds, they can form a wonderful friendship.
Animals are not ra.cist they love everyone!
Animals know how to love each other. This friendship is beautiful.
Watch this video for an absolute cuteness overload:
I think we could learn from the animals
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