This man from China found a {s.tray} dog whose rear limbs were severely {i.njured} in a car {a.ccident}. It was run over and left on the streets.
What an amazing person, it’s a pity there isn’t more like him, what a hero
Man Rescues a P.aral.yzed Dog and Takes it with Him to Travel all over China!

This man from China found a {s.tray} dog whose rear limbs were severely {i.njured} in a car {a.ccident}. It was run over and left on the streets.
What an amazing person, it’s a pity there isn’t more like him, what a hero
The adoption wasn’t immediate. He wasn’t able to take him along, but then he couldn’t stop thinking of Bitter Melon. But a man made sure to give him another chance, so he returned.
What a beautiful story. Thank goodness he didn’t have to live alone in the streets
He adopted the dog and they soon started their adventure together.
There was no hope for the dog to ever walk normally again, all they could do was give him {m.edicine} and injections to ease the {p.ain}. That’s how his rescuer thought of modifying a wheelchair to help him.
Since then, Bitter Melon has been living the best life he can live.
” We have been to a lot of places and met many people over. The 10 thousand kilometers journey, I’ll offer him the best I can offer, feed him food and give him a home.”
The pup became a true companion!
You can check out video on Youtube below:
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