For more than two years, George and Irene’s story was one of survival on the unforgiving streets until a compassionate soul extended a helping hand.
What unfolded next was not just an act of kindness, but a true reminder of what can happen when we start to truly appreciate dogs for what they are – not toys, but living creatures.
And, if only there were more people like this kind man.
“It Feels Like I’m Backstabbing Him…”

After rescuing two dogs from the streets, this kind man from Los Angeles knew that calling for help was the right decision. Even so, it wasn’t an easy decision to make.
George and Irene were a bonded pair of dogs who were homeless for more than two years. Somehow, they managed to survive, but they had a really rough time.
One person in the neighborhood even said he was going to take them, breed them, and then sell the puppies.
Others would often throw things at them and chase them with knives.
This kind man simply couldn’t take it anymore, so he decided to bring the two stray dogs to safety. Even though he got really attached to them, sadly, he couldn’t keep them forever.
So, he decided to call Hope For Paws.

When JoAnn Wiltz and Katie McKittrick, from Hope For Paws, arrived at the scene, the poor man broke down crying, feeling like he was betraying the dogs by giving them away.
Little did he know that his call for help would actually save George’s life.
George was the shy one of the two. He was scared of humans, and he usually kept to himself somewhere in the corner.
His girlfriend, Irene, on the other hand, was very happy to see her rescuers. They soon realized that she is also George’s emotional support dog.
Learning To Trust
It took a little while for George to realize that they were there to help him. He kept running away from his rescuers.
He was even reluctant to eat the food they gave him.
Seeing George’s reaction, the kind man came to help, and he hugged George.

“I can’t help you like they will. I’m sorry,” he said, crying.
He cared about the dogs so much that he really felt like he was betraying them. He couldn’t keep them because he already had a small dog.
“I feel so horrible right now. I gained his trust and it feels like I’m backstabbing him. I’m so sorry boy. I’m sorry, okay? They are going to help you,” he said while completely breaking down in tears.
With his help, though, the rescuers managed to get the two stray dogs into their vehicle and bring them to the hospital.
“George was diagnosed with bone cancer. With your donations, Dr. Antonio Pedraza was able to perform a life saving surgery. We were able to save his life, but we could not save his leg,” Hope For Paws said in the video.

If it wasn’t for a kind man and his call for help, George wouldn’t have survived. Even though he felt like he was betraying him, he was actually saving his life.
The bonded pair then went through rehabilitation and training with Guardian Angel Pet Rescue, who also found them an amazing foster home and were hoping to get them adopted together.

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