Hayden Kristal’s father, Steve, was concerned when she brought Bitsy home five years ago. He was concerned about how the 5-week-old deaf and blind dog would fare and if she would be able to go around on her own. Steve’s anxieties were quickly dispelled when he met the active, upbeat puppy.
“She’s always been her own woman.´´ Kristal told The Dodo. “When I took her home, the first thing she did was make a beeline for the food dish, burrow into it, and eat until she passed out.” Bitsy is not the pitiful dog her grandfather envisioned. Her mother has taken her all around the nation, hiking, canoeing, riding the metro, and even skating.
Kristal described Bitsy as “the kindest, friendliest, most loving, most devoted dog in the world.” “She’s daring and outspoken, and she lives for adventure!”
Kristal’s father adores his granddog more than he could have expected, and the two spend as much time together as they can.

“He is her biggest supporter and champion.” Kristal stated. “He will tell anybody who would listen what a wonderful dog she is and how much he adores her.” He does traditional grandfather things like indulging her with sweets and toys, and she enjoys simply being with him.”

Nevertheless, when COVID limits were implemented last year, Bitsy and her mother’s lives were delayed. One of the most difficult transitions for Kristal and Bitsy was being separated from relatives, notably Kristal’s father.

Bitsy was eventually able to join her grandfather for an emotional reunion over a year later:
Steve was concerned that Bitsy might forget him after such a long time away. Yet it couldn’t be further from the truth. “She completely lost her mind with delight as soon as I arrived within scent range.” Steve Kristal posted on Facebook. “I did, too.”

“Once again, Bitsy demonstrated that the qualities she possesses are far more astounding than the ones she lacks,” he continued. “Such a wonderfully beautiful and loving soul.” Perhaps you can see how much we adore one other from this video.”

Kristal knew her devoted puppy would never forget a human who cared so much for her. And now that the family is back together, the world appears a little brighter for everyone.
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