Meet Higgins, a senior German shepherd who has spent nearly his entire life at the Humane Society of Preble County because no one wants to adopt him. The shelter wasn’t ready to abandon him, and the most crucial reason was that Higgins had never given up on finding a permanent home.
Higgins was taken to the shelter as a puppy and was adopted right away. However, living in his first house was not pleasant, and Higgins returned to the shelter. Meet Higgins, a senior German shepherd who has spent nearly his entire life at the Humane Society of Preble County because no one wants to adopt him. The shelter wasn’t ready to abandon him, and the most crucial reason was that Higgins had never given up on finding a permanent home.

Higgins was taken to the shelter as a puppy and was adopted right away. However, living in his first home was not pleasant, and Higgins returned to the shelter in 2012. Renner told The Dodo, “We heard he was nothing more than a dog chained up to a dog house.” “After about a year, someone came in with a stray dog – and it was him.”
Higgins had always hoped that the right person would come along and take him in, but nobody ever did. Everyone assumed Higgins was ill after spending so much time in the shelter. “When he was in his kennel, his face always had such a worried look on it that he was a little intimidating,” Renner said. “People just walked right by him.”
Higgins, thankfully, found his forever home after 2,381 days in the shelter. Brendon Reed, 22, fell in love with Higgins after seeing his photo online and learning about his story. Reed knew Higgins was the only dog for him at that moment. Reed told The Dodo, “He was just a beautiful dog.” “He just seemed so adorable… “I’m not sure how he didn’t get adopted.”
Renner was taken aback when Reed entered the shelter and announced, “I’m come to take Higgins home.” Higgins finally has a father who loves him and makes him feel safe every day after six and a half years. He may now sleep on a comfy couch, watch TV, and run around his own garden, rolling in the grass.
We are overjoyed to know that Higgins will be a wonderful addition to Reed’s life. We hope you can share our excitement for Higgins! You can learn more about Higgin’s journey by following him on Snapchat at @higginsdoggo.
6 Most Common Cat Health Problems
Cats are good at self-maintenance. But even your fastidious feline can’t prevent some of these more common cat diseases and health issues.
1. Vomiting
Vomiting is a very common problem with cats with a multitude of causes. They range from eating something poisonous or inedible (like string), to infection, urinary tract disease, or diabetes to hairballs.
2. Feline Lower Urinary Tract Diseases (FLUTD)
TSome estimates say as many as 3% of cats seen by vets have feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD), which is actually a group of feline diseases with multiple causes.
List bellow:
Drinking more
Straining to urinate
Bloody urine
Urinating in unusual places
Crying when urinating
Licking around the urinary area (often because of pain)
3. Fleas
Fleas are a very common external feline health problem. But it’s one you can easily treat. Signs your cat has fleas include:
Flea dirt on its skin (they look like tiny black dots)
Constant scratching
Frequent licking
Red or irritated skin
Hair loss
Skin infections or hot spots
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