Two Stray Dogs Rescued On The Same Day From Different Locations Form A Strong Bond

People often say that unexpected friendships are usually the best. 

Well, in this remarkable twist of fate, two stray dogs that were abandoned in two completely different locations in Los Angeles found themselves united by a common thread – their rescue. 

Having been rescued by amazing people, these two adorable dogs were no longer homeless on the streets and battling to survive.

Hope For Paws To The Rescue 

Hope For Paws is an amazing rescue organization in the Los Angeles area that saves the lives of countless dogs on a daily basis. 

As a result, many people regularly call Hope For Paws if they encounter abandoned or homeless animals.

That day, the organization received a call about a dog that took refuge on a broken office chair. For almost a month, he sat on the curb waiting exactly where he was dumped. 

dog sitting on a broken chair
Source: YouTube

“Concerned neighbors left him food, but nobody knew to call Hope For Paws,” said in the video

One family did try to take him in, but their dogs wouldn’t accept him, so they called for help. 

JoAnn Wiltz and Alex Babcock, two experienced rescuers from the Hope For Paws organization, headed out to save the precious boy as soon as they heard about him. 

Chester – as the neighbors had named him – was a very sweet and sensitive boy. He was a big Shepherd mix, but also very sensitive. 

dog giving his paw to the owner
Source: Facebook

It wasn’t hard to capture him since he was so trusting. In fact, he was very happy to go with Wiltz and Babcock. 

The two loaded him in a kennel and were getting ready to head back to an animal hospital. 

But then, another call came in… 

Another Dog In Need Of Rescue

Just as they were about to head to the hospital, a woman contacted them about another homeless dog nearby. 

dog stuck between ladders
Source: YouTube

“She lured him into her yard to keep him safe from traffic. Even though she gained his trust, he still would not let her touch him,” they said.

This other dog was a lot smaller than Chester, and visibly scared, but somehow they looked related, even though one weighed almost 50 pounds more than the other. 

The other dog – later named Little Tony – was completely terrified, and it wasn’t easy to rescue him. 

He tried to hide behind a shed from his rescuers, so they struggled for a couple of minutes to get him out of a very narrow space. 

They succeeded eventually, but it was heartbreaking to see how terrified for his life he was.  

JoAnn and Alex loaded him in a carrier and took both of the dogs to the hospital. 

dog sitting in a dog cage
Source: YouTube

Once they were at the hospital, the dogs were given a bath. Little Tony was having a really hard time adjusting, but sweet Chester was thankfully there to comfort him. 

“Chester helped us assure Little Tony that everything was going to be okay. After a few days of love and treats, Little Tony learned to trust.”  

Both dogs continued to their forever homes with LA Animal Rescue and were ready for their forever homes. 

two happy dogs in the house
Source: Facebook

Although we don’t have information if they eventually got adopted, we sure do hope so. 

Both of these animals did not deserve to be abandoned like that, and they would make wonderful additions to any family.

Take a look at their rescue story: 

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